booking & Cancellation policy

By booking at SLK Studio, the client understands and agrees to all Slk Studio policies. Our policies are subject to change; such changes are immediately effective without notice.

Please note that Slk Studio requires 30% CANCELLATION FEE WITHIN 24 HOUR NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. Clients who do not show up for their appoinment or fail to cancel within the 24 hour notice time will be charged 50% of their starting price service.

All appointments can be cancelled by emailing 24 hours before & or on our online booking system.

If you miss your appoinment and do not cancel 24 hours before, 50% of your service will be charged to your credit card. 
Cancellations and No-Shows leave gaps in the stylists schedule that cannot be filled without timely notice and prevent us from accommodating other guests.

Please remember it is your responsibility to remember your appointment dates and times to avoid missed appointments, late arrivals, and a cancellation fee.

Thank you so much for your understanding.